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I read in the Urantia Book:

"(15.3) 0:11.13 The finite can coexist in the cosmos along with the Infinite only because the associative presence of the Universal Absolute so perfectly equalizes the tensions between time and eternity, finity and infinity, reality potential and reality actuality, Paradise and space, man and God. Associatively the Universal Absolute constitutes the identification of the zone of progressing evolutional reality existent in the time-space, and in the transcended time-space, universes of subinfinite Deity manifestation."

Does the word "Finite" have the same meaning as the word "Subinfinite"?

Respectfully Submitted, DAN 1

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Hmmm I don't know honestly. I think subinfinite would be all reality below infinity, etleast that makes the most sense to me. Sub=just below. I believe hahah. so
time-space, and in the transcended time-space
I would think "time-space"=finite, and than "trascended time-space" everything that is eternal, or potentially eternal?

Nice to see a new reader though!! :biggrin:


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Thanks for the reply "Boomshuka".

Yes. What you have shared does seem to make sense to me too:

"...subinfinite would be all reality below infinity..."

If what you say is True, then reason leads me to think that "Finity" is also below "Infinity". Because of the Revelation Orientation of the Urantia Book, (from "top" toward "bottom"), Our thinking still holds True. Finity being a final development in Creation.

I reckon I will hold this idea until someone postulates otherwise.

Kind of you to acknowledge my active arrival here.

Respectfully, DAN 1

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Another idea I have been throwing around that I think fits with the Urantia Book, is that the maximum reality of finite reality is the -Supreme Being- and that this Supreme being is the literal hand of god in which we have our very being in.

I have been thinking that there are two simultanous place's that we can recognize the will of god, both from the inner world where he exists and the outer threw the supreme being. I believe that Jesus often times viewed the outworking of the will of god threw the supreme being as well as direct contact with the father threw his indwelling adjuster. The reason I believe god works threw/as the supreme being or is so that he can escape a purely infinite existance.

Anyway's that is sort of my speculation so I don't want to anyone to think that this is the absolute answer in the Urantia Book, I am just doing my best to understand the book and that is what I got hahaha.

I guess technically speaking we discover the supreme being in our consciousness, so I don't know if that would be technically inward looking or outword looking hahaha.

Well hope you enjoy some of our other discussion's, most of people here are pretty faithfull in the U.B so its alway's nice to here from other readers!. There isn't alot in the city I live in so I like to come on here and hear about other's experience's with the book :). I heard a rumor that the Midwayers wanted everyone to be in involved in study groups, so this is sort of my compensation hahahah, etleast untill I get one!


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0:11.13 The finite can coexist in the cosmos along with the Infinite only because the associative presence of the Universal Absolute so perfectly equalizes the tensions between time and eternity, finity and infinity, reality potential and reality actuality, Paradise and space, man and God. Associatively the Universal Absolute constitutes the identification of the zone of progressing evolutional reality existent in the time-space, and in the transcended time-space, universes of subinfinite Deity manifestation.

no, subinfinite is anything less than infinite. the only things infinite are the three gods, paradise and the central universe. everything else, like the superuniverses and evolutionary worlds like ours are subinfinite. sub- falling short of; less than. the last sentence above means the time-space (subinfinite or worlds like urantia) and the transcended time-space (infinite or havona and paradise) are coordinated by the universal absolute. it is necessary to coordinate the perfect and the imperfect because they are different. the finite could not exist with the perfect god unless he did what is said in the above paragraph.

DAN 1 wrote:
I read in the Urantia Book:Does the word "Finite" have the same meaning as the word "Subinfinite"?

[b]Respectfully Submitted, DAN 1

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Thanks for the reply "rich.sachs". Your reply reveals the relationship between "subinfinite" and "infinite". Finite seems to ft in your assertion: "no, subinfinite is anything less than infinite..."

So, I choose to believe that "finite" is the same as "subinfinite".


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AND Theres Also absonite

- (ab' son ite). Level of reality between the finite and the absolute which is characterized by things and beings without beginning or ending and by time/space transcendence.
~ The Urantia Book, (0:2.7)

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''So, I choose to believe that "finite" is the same as "subinfinite".

DAN 1''

Well ... NO Not Really ...

THE Subinfinite, Is Not so easy to classify. Eh

IT Can Get A Little Confusing To Fully Comprehend :?

0:2.2 Cosmic consciousness implies the recognition of a First Cause, the one and only uncaused reality. God, the Universal Father, functions on three Deity-personality levels of subinfinite value and relative divinity expression:

0:3.25 Much of the confusion of all orders of beings, high and low, in their efforts to discover the Father-Infinite, is inherent in their limitations of comprehension. The absolute primacy of the Universal Father is not apparent on subinfinite levels; therefore is it probable that only the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit truly know the Father as an infinity; to all other personalities such a concept represents the exercise of faith.

0:5.4 All subinfinite orders and phases of personality are associative attainables and are potentially cocreational. The prepersonal, the personal, and the superpersonal are all linked together by mutual potential of co-ordinate attainment, progressive achievement, and cocreational capacity. But never does the impersonal directly transmute to the personal. Personality is never spontaneous; it is the gift of the Paradise Father. Personality is superimposed upon energy, and it is associated only with living energy systems; identity can be associated with nonliving energy patterns.

0:11.13 The finite can coexist in the cosmos along with the Infinite only because the associative presence of the Universal Absolute so perfectly equalizes the tensions between time and eternity, finity and infinity, reality potential and reality actuality, Paradise and space, man and God. Associatively the Universal Absolute constitutes the identification of the zone of progressing evolutional reality existent in the time-space, and in the transcended time-space, universes of subinfinite Deity manifestation.

0:11.15 The Absolute. The two Absolutes — qualified and unqualified — while so apparently divergent in function as they may be observed by mind creatures, are perfectly and divinely unified in and by the Universal Absolute. In the last analysis and in the final comprehension all three are one Absolute. On subinfinite levels they are functionally differentiated, but in infinity they are ONE.

11:2.10 It appears to us that the First Source and Center has concentrated all absolute potential for cosmic reality in Paradise as a part of his technique of self-liberation from infinity limitations, as a means of making possible subinfinite, even time-space, creation. But it does not follow that Paradise is time-space limited just because the universe of universes discloses these qualities. Paradise exists without time and has no location in space.

56:9.1 The Unqualified Absolute and the Deity Absolute are unified in the Universal Absolute. The Absolutes are co-ordinated in the Ultimate, conditioned in the Supreme, and time-space modified in God the Sevenfold. On subinfinite levels there are three Absolutes, but in infinity they appear to be one. On Paradise there are three personalizations of Deity, but in the Trinity they are one.

56:9.8 But beyond subinfinite levels the three Absolutes are one, and thereby is infinity Deity-realized regardless of whether any other order of existence ever self-realizes consciousness of infinity.

104:4.47 Although these associations cannot augment the infinity of the Father-I AM, they do appear to make possible the subinfiniteand subabsolute manifestations of his reality. The seven triunities multiply versatility, eternalize new depths, deitize new values, disclose new potentialities, reveal new meanings; and all these diversified manifestations in time and space and in the eternal cosmos are existent in the hypothetical stasis of the original infinity of the I AM.

105:0.2 When the mortal intellect attempts to grasp the concept of reality totality, such a finite mind is face to face with infinity-reality; reality totality is infinity and therefore can never be fully comprehended by any mind that is subinfinite in concept capacity.

105:7.1 Transcendentals are subinfinite and subabsolute but superfinite and supercreatural. Transcendentals eventuate as an integrating level correlating the supervalues of absolutes with the maximum values of finites. From the creature standpoint, that which is transcendental would appear to have eventuated as a consequence of the finite; from the eternity viewpoint, in anticipation of the finite; and there are those who have considered it as a “pre-echo” of the finite.

106:6.5 Of this, however, we are certain: While the existential Paradise Trinity is infinite, and while the experiential Trinity Ultimate is subinfinite, the Trinity Absolute is not so easy to classify. Though experiential in genesis and constitution, it definitely impinges upon the existential Absolutes of potentiality.

112:1.9 The type of personality bestowed upon Urantia mortals has a potentiality of seven dimensions of self-expression or person-realization. These dimensional phenomena are realizable as three on the finite level, three on the absonite level, and one on the absolute level. On subabsolute levels this seventh or totality dimension is experiencible as the fact of personality. This supreme dimension is an associable absolute and, while not infinite, is dimensionally potential for subinfinite penetration of the absolute.

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DAN 1 wrote:
Thanks for the reply "rich.sachs". Your reply reveals the relationship between "subinfinite" and "infinite". Finite seems to ft in your assertion: "no, subinfinite is anything less than infinite..."

So, I choose to believe that "finite" is the same as "subinfinite".


i meant yes, finite would be the same thing as subinfinite, i read your question wrong earlier. 0:11.13 The finite can coexist in the cosmos along with the Infinite only because the associative presence of the Universal Absolute so perfectly equalizes the tensions between time and eternity, finity and infinity, reality potential and reality actuality, Paradise and space, man and God. Associatively the Universal Absolute constitutes the identification of the zone of progressing evolutional reality existent in the time-space, and in the transcended time-space, universes of subinfinite Deity manifestation.

when they talk about what the infinite deities do in terms of the finite, they refer to it as subinfinite for clarification from infinite as concerns the infinite gods.

105:0.2 When the mortal intellect attempts to grasp the concept of reality totality, such a finite mind is face to face with infinity-reality; reality totality is infinity and therefore can never be fully comprehended by any mind that is subinfinite in concept capacity.

we are subinfinite compared to god.

105:7.1 Transcendentals are subinfinite and subabsolute but superfinite and supercreatural. Transcendentals eventuate as an integrating level correlating the supervalues of absolutes with the maximum values of finites. From the creature standpoint, that which is transcendental would appear to have eventuated as a consequence of the finite; from the eternity viewpoint, in anticipation of the finite; and there are those who have considered it as a “pre-echo” of the finite.

there's everything on the scale from infinite to finite.

112:1.9 The type of personality bestowed upon Urantia mortals has a potentiality of seven dimensions of self-expression or person-realization. These dimensional phenomena are realizable as three on the finite level, three on the absonite level, and one on the absolute level. On subabsolute levels this seventh or totality dimension is experiencible as the fact of personality. This supreme dimension is an associable absolute and, while not infinite, is dimensionally potential for subinfinite penetration of the absolute.

i guess somewhere along the paradise road we entire the absonite level before becoming absolute finaliters.

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rich sez
'' i guess somewhere along the paradise road we entire the absonite level before becoming absolute finaliters.''

I Would Assume and suspect that WE Enter The Absonite Level
After FUSION ?

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This is for me another reason of "proof" of superhuman authorship. The way they correlate all these concepts that no human being has even come close to explaining. No human being would even attempt to write something like this out even if they were just writing a science fiction novel. It's just way to complex.

105:7.1 Transcendentals are subinfinite and subabsolute but superfinite and supercreatural. Transcendentals eventuate as an integrating level correlating the supervalues of absolutes with the maximum values of finites. From the creature standpoint, that which is transcendental would appear to have eventuated as a consequence of the finite; from the eternity viewpoint, in anticipation of the finite; and there are those who have considered it as a “pre-echo” of the finite.


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