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 Post subject: UB and Buddha

Joined: Thu Oct 01, 2020 1:05 am +0000
Posts: 8
Hello, I am new here.

I am a buddhist. And the UB said is spot on on my religion.
I now questioned about my religion.

I have 3 questions:
1. Is there a possibility that the authors of the UB be untruthful or at least deliberately hiding information?

2. Are there higher beings than our local universe Father in the totality of existence?

3. In my religion, there is a section called Abhidhamma (a book about the minute details of human mind). In my opinion, the content there is superhuman. What do you think about this?

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 Post subject: Re: UB and Buddha

Joined: Fri Mar 29, 2019 3:27 pm +0000
Posts: 172
Location: west central florida
Uri, welcome to the forum.

There are so many theological and national branches of Buddhism It is unlikely we can know what you mean when you identify yourself as a “Buddhist”. The UB is not a substitution for any particular religion or system of belief.

The truthfulness of the UB is a personal question and can only be answered by reading it, digesting it, and prayer. Have you read it? Does it stir something in your essence?

There are many things unrevealed to us, and the Celestials responsible for giving us the revelation do so only to the extent we can comprehend it. We await the unbinding of many “secrets” on our journey to Paradise!

You won't have to search hard in the UB for the answer to your 2nd question. Here is the very first sentence in Part I: "The Universal Father is the God of all creation, the First Source and Center of all things and beings”. I encourage you to start there.

There are many beautiful, valuable, and enlightening human spiritual creations in the history of our evolution. Were the writers and poets, the musicians and orators, “superhuman”? Perhaps so, if by that we mean they were listening to, and following, the inner voice of the Father's spirit.

I hope you begin the Journey!

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 Post subject: Re: UB and Buddha

Joined: Fri Mar 29, 2019 3:27 pm +0000
Posts: 172
Location: west central florida
You may benefit from the forum topic - Spiritual Experiences.

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 Post subject: Re: UB and Buddha

Joined: Wed Sep 12, 2012 2:07 am +0000
Posts: 1045
Hello! Yes, this is an old thread but I'm inspired to say a thing or two :D

1. Is there a possibility that the authors of the UB be untruthful or at least deliberately hiding information?

I believe that we are clearly told that one of the authors' prime goals or mandates is to correct current human understanding, especially concerning cosmology. However, the authors are limited to present primarily "earned" knowledge and not present unknown facts that should be divulged in more distant times of human development. The general preference of the authors, it appears, is to use already appearing human sources as the basis of the narrative and modify the expression only as much as is needed to correct erroneous ideas. Therefore, their "truthfulness" might be a bit relative and context comforming, in each of our own individual evaluations.

2. Are there higher beings than our local universe Father in the totality of existence?

There cannot be. We are told that the Universal Father is, along with the other 2 members of the Trinity, absolute, total, perfect, infinite in all ways and is the source of all things in time and eternity. Some of those aspects are talked about in terms of "Buddhas" in Buddhist literature, but not all, or is there something more to consider there? Remember too, that the UB authors speak of hosts and hosts of transcendent or eventuated beings that have no beginning and end (in time) and do partake of aspects of infinity, however, they are classified as creatures rather the creators. Then too, there are the experiential deities such as the Supreme Being.

3. In my religion, there is a section called Abhidhamma (a book about the minute details of human mind). In my opinion, the content there is superhuman. What do you think about this?

There surely exists a bit of both Hinduism and Buddhism that is derived from superhuman knowledge. The ancient centers of civilization and development on the Earth apparently sometimes had access to superhuman knowledge as we humans are not the only inhabitants of this planet. I believe the authors of the UB had no intention to attempt to state all possible knowledge, but rather, primarily the things that matter most to all of us collectively and which could change things for the better.

P.S. Is it the case that not all Buddhists are aware of and understand the concept of Maitreya Buddha? The UB describes Machiventa Melchizidek who functioned very much as one incarnation of Maitreya Buddha. We are told of future bestowals of superhuman teachers, even comparatively divine personalities, who are so much more spiritual that we as humans cannot even see their kind. However, they function as teachers extremely effectively just the same.

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 Post subject: Re: UB and Buddha

Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2017 11:14 am +0000
Posts: 395
Riktare wrote:
Hello! Yes, this is an old thread but I'm inspired to say a thing or two :D

1. Is there a possibility that the authors of the UB be untruthful or at least deliberately hiding information?

I believe that we are clearly told that one of the authors' prime goals or mandates is to correct current human understanding, especially concerning cosmology. However, the authors are limited to present primarily "earned" knowledge and not present unknown facts that should be divulged in more distant times of human development. The general preference of the authors, it appears, is to use already appearing human sources as the basis of the narrative and modify the expression only as much as is needed to correct erroneous ideas. Therefore, their "truthfulness" might be a bit relative and context comforming, in each of our own individual evaluations.

2. Are there higher beings than our local universe Father in the totality of existence?

There cannot be. We are told that the Universal Father is, along with the other 2 members of the Trinity, absolute, total, perfect, infinite in all ways and is the source of all things in time and eternity. Some of those aspects are talked about in terms of "Buddhas" in Buddhist literature, but not all, or is there something more to consider there? Remember too, that the UB authors speak of hosts and hosts of transcendent or eventuated beings that have no beginning and end (in time) and do partake of aspects of infinity, however, they are classified as creatures rather the creators. Then too, there are the experiential deities such as the Supreme Being.

3. In my religion, there is a section called Abhidhamma (a book about the minute details of human mind). In my opinion, the content there is superhuman. What do you think about this?

There surely exists a bit of both Hinduism and Buddhism that is derived from superhuman knowledge. The ancient centers of civilization and development on the Earth apparently sometimes had access to superhuman knowledge as we humans are not the only inhabitants of this planet. I believe the authors of the UB had no intention to attempt to state all possible knowledge, but rather, primarily the things that matter most to all of us collectively and which could change things for the better.

P.S. Is it the case that not all Buddhists are aware of and understand the concept of Maitreya Buddha? The UB describes Machiventa Melchizidek who functioned very much as one incarnation of Maitreya Buddha. We are told of future bestowals of superhuman teachers, even comparatively divine personalities, who are so much more spiritual that we as humans cannot even see their kind. However, they function as teachers extremely effectively just the same.

thanks Riktare and others for the open-minded and welcoming responses to these sincere questions from Urantia_Adherer. Truth seekers travel many roads and garner truth wherever they find it before things really gel. Inflexible dogma and doctrine do not welcome questions like this, they are so afraid of wildfire that any flame frightens them. It is encouraging to see Urantia_Adherer's willingness to ask!

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 Post subject: Re: UB and Buddha

Joined: Wed Oct 18, 2023 9:40 pm +0000
Posts: 1
The urantia book gives a very interesting description of buddha. That he was an orphan prophet, he lived the spirit of God but not in the mind. It reminds me of Jiddu Krishnamurti. Buddha’s teachings couldnt be lived by anyone else but themselves, a person wouldn’t be able to do the same without following nobody

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