I've read a lot of comments and questions and though I am certainly no expert, there seems to be a common thread of wanting to raise children within the teachings of the UB... perhaps I can share my experience.
I'm a second generation reader, and I was very much raised on the stories and teachings of the UB. it appears to be quite a different experience from the stories of how the UB found people, and changed their lives. I have no such stories. what I do have is memories of my mother reading to me, I remember being fascinated by Andon and Fonta, and the stories of Jesus as a child. I remember her explaining to me the UB versions of bible stories. I remember urantia retreats, and making friends.
My mom gave me my first UB on my 13th birthday, and though it was rarely touched through those teen years, she never failed to offer spiritual guidance, whether I wanted it or not. looking back I'm so thankful for those early lessons in faith and acceptance. that I wasn't raised on guilt or fear. I believe it's really helping me along my path as I discover who I am. especially when life isn't so easy.
so a bit of a "thanks mom" for getting me this far, and giving me the foundation to build on. being raised on love and truth- it's an amazing experience.