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Joined: Thu Jan 06, 2022 11:20 pm +0000
Posts: 10
Hello all.
First let me say that I'm glad to have been allowed to make posts here as I have been gleaning information from truthbook and this forum for some time now. As an inquisitive soul, I'm sure I'll have many questions to ask and topics to discuss in the future, but for now I figured I'd give a brief overview of how I came to find TUB.

To frame my perspective, I'll start by saying I'm currently in my early 30's and I've been in a Christian household all those years (from Apostolic to pentecostal and eventually non-denominational). I say Christian household because If I look back with the clarity of hindsight, I've probably always had some issues with traditional Christianity and the Bible. I grew up learning about it of course, even completed grades 3-5 in a school managed by my church at the time. Heck, my career path in media is largely based on Christianity and the Christian market. Over all this time, I always felt like there was truth in the Bible, but as a self-described person of logic and reason, I always felt I wasn't getting the full story or find myself saying things like "Is that really how it happened though?" Even before discovering TUB, I was already convinced that there was no need for Science and Religion to be at complete odds.

Fast forward to 2020. By this point places and churches were starting to lockdown, but I hadn't really been attending any 'religiously' except for....well as I'm not sure about the rules on name dropping yet..I'll call it 'Revelation Church.' The messages I listened to from here resonated with me more than my past experiences, but something in me was still unsatisfied.

It was probably around Mid-march 2020 that I decided to really delve into my problems with Christianity. Googling questions online, I stumbled across a particular Quora thread about what "Hell" really is. I won't get into the answer here, but it certainly doesn't conflict with info I've read to date in TUB. Naturally, I wondered how somebody could give such an answer with such authority on the subject. That's how I came across the Human channelings of biblical and historical figures. Reading these passages, whether or not credible was pretty eye-opening to me, but I won't discuss more of that here (as per rules). Now sometime later (mid 2021) I had gone through quite a few readings and embraced the idea of Divine Love Christianity to the point where I was finally communicating with God on a personal level. Something I had never really fathomed in my time on earth to that point. Sure I knew about the process of prayer, but I always felt mine weren't genuine enough to be considered prayer. But now I've even transitioned over to calling God my Father, which finally feels natural, much like my conversations with and worship for him.

From there it's felt like a hop skip and a jump to this point I'm at with TUB. Basically, after a little digging, I found a forum that the same Quora poster (with the description of hell) helped administrate. This was a forum dedicated to the Midwayers and the many prompts in life specifically related to "11:11" and similar phenomena. That forum has been helpful in learning about the Midwayers, but I also started to see some references to The Urantia Book there. In fact, they have a sub-forum dedicated to TUB discussion (unfortunately my membership hasn't been approved there yet). After some research of my own on it, and learning that the contents of the book were channeled, perhaps similar to what I had read to that point, I delved into Truthbook.com's search section. I would type questions that would pop up in my head and see what TUB might have to say. I must say, the first time I read some of the contents I was taken aback because, as I'm sure many of you have felt, this did not read/sound like either the writings of a Human or the writings of a Human channeling (At least as I'd come to recognize in tone). This was something else entirely different it seemed. More importantly, I find myself almost entirely satisfied with most of the explanations of how things are described in TUB. That's something I never fully got from the Bible and even the channeled messages from the Divine love teachings can occasionally feel diluted with Human thought. My understanding is that Love is the basis of all, and I feel that learning that through all these different channels is ultimately what I'm intended to take away from my time here on Urantia/Earth.

As this is no longer looking so "brief" despite my efforts to omit quite a few details, let me now just say that I look forward to discussing future topics with any who would take time to do so :) It's really my first time posting on a forum like this for quite some years, but I'm glad to be here.

P.S. I realize I may have gotten dangerously close to one of the banned topics, so I may have to ask for some leniency :-#

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Joined: Sun Jan 27, 2008 3:03 am +0000
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Onairo2 wrote:
Hello all.
First let me say that I'm glad to have been allowed to make posts here as I have been gleaning information from truthbook and this forum for some time now. As an inquisitive soul, I'm sure I'll have many questions to ask and topics to discuss in the future, but for now I figured I'd give a brief overview of how I came to find TUB.

To frame my perspective, I'll start by saying I'm currently in my early 30's and I've been in a Christian household all those years (from Apostolic to pentecostal and eventually non-denominational). I say Christian household because If I look back with the clarity of hindsight, I've probably always had some issues with traditional Christianity and the Bible. I grew up learning about it of course, even completed grades 3-5 in a school managed by my church at the time. Heck, my career path in media is largely based on Christianity and the Christian market. Over all this time, I always felt like there was truth in the Bible, but as a self-described person of logic and reason, I always felt I wasn't getting the full story or find myself saying things like "Is that really how it happened though?" Even before discovering TUB, I was already convinced that there was no need for Science and Religion to be at complete odds.

Fast forward to 2020. By this point places and churches were starting to lockdown, but I hadn't really been attending any 'religiously' except for....well as I'm not sure about the rules on name dropping yet..I'll call it 'Revelation Church.' The messages I listened to from here resonated with me more than my past experiences, but something in me was still unsatisfied.

It was probably around Mid-march 2020 that I decided to really delve into my problems with Christianity. Googling questions online, I stumbled across a particular Quora thread about what "Hell" really is. I won't get into the answer here, but it certainly doesn't conflict with info I've read to date in TUB. Naturally, I wondered how somebody could give such an answer with such authority on the subject. That's how I came across the Human channelings of biblical and historical figures. Reading these passages, whether or not credible was pretty eye-opening to me, but I won't discuss more of that here (as per rules). Now sometime later (mid 2021) I had gone through quite a few readings and embraced the idea of Divine Love Christianity to the point where I was finally communicating with God on a personal level. Something I had never really fathomed in my time on earth to that point. Sure I knew about the process of prayer, but I always felt mine weren't genuine enough to be considered prayer. But now I've even transitioned over to calling God my Father, which finally feels natural, much like my conversations with and worship for him.

From there it's felt like a hop skip and a jump to this point I'm at with TUB. Basically, after a little digging, I found a forum that the same Quora poster (with the description of hell) helped administrate. This was a forum dedicated to the Midwayers and the many prompts in life specifically related to "11:11" and similar phenomena. That forum has been helpful in learning about the Midwayers, but I also started to see some references to The Urantia Book there. In fact, they have a sub-forum dedicated to TUB discussion (unfortunately my membership hasn't been approved there yet). After some research of my own on it, and learning that the contents of the book were channeled, perhaps similar to what I had read to that point, I delved into Truthbook.com's search section. I would type questions that would pop up in my head and see what TUB might have to say. I must say, the first time I read some of the contents I was taken aback because, as I'm sure many of you have felt, this did not read/sound like either the writings of a Human or the writings of a Human channeling (At least as I'd come to recognize in tone). This was something else entirely different it seemed. More importantly, I find myself almost entirely satisfied with most of the explanations of how things are described in TUB. That's something I never fully got from the Bible and even the channeled messages from the Divine love teachings can occasionally feel diluted with Human thought. My understanding is that Love is the basis of all, and I feel that learning that through all these different channels is ultimately what I'm intended to take away from my time here on Urantia/Earth.

As this is no longer looking so "brief" despite my efforts to omit quite a few details, let me now just say that I look forward to discussing future topics with any who would take time to do so :) It's really my first time posting on a forum like this for quite some years, but I'm glad to be here.

P.S. I realize I may have gotten dangerously close to one of the banned topics, so I may have to ask for some leniency :-#

Congrats on finding and recognizing our new revelation Onairo2. Welcome home! :) The UB didn't find me until age 39, in '86. I still thank God everyday for it, I really hated not knowing what was going on in life and the universe, and the traditional religions were unsatisfying, as you have attested. Read on!! And ask anything, someone here will have a response, opinion, or link to an essay, graphic, etc. Here's a chart of the System.


SYSTEM MAP.png [ 102.57 KiB | Viewed 40569 times ]

Richard E Warren
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Joined: Sat Dec 30, 2006 9:13 am +0000
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Hello Onairo2, and welcome to the Forum!

The paths through which we find The Urantia Book are as varied as the people who read and study it. What really matters most is that you have become a reader/student yourself.

Thanks for sharing your story. Finding that personal connection with our heavenly Father is a wonderful thing and I love to hear that it has come to feel natural to you.



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Joined: Fri Mar 29, 2019 3:27 pm +0000
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Welcome Onairo2,

I can relate to your story in many respects, and look forward to your specific questions as you glean them from the UB. You are correct that “channeled” material from other sources is not welcome, and thankfully so. I don't say this out of disrespect. My own spiritual journey was fostered by such sources, and much that I had learned has been confirmed by the UB, and even exulted. But only confusion and argument can result from the “free” expression of alternative sources of truth, knowledge, and wisdom, don't you think?

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Joined: Sun Mar 25, 2012 5:29 am +0000
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Welcome and thanks for being here.


Allow me to speak to the primitive beliefs about mediumship and channeling. This originates with our ancient evolutionary priesthood culture of intermediaries between humans and gods or God. It is a primitive superstition that is simply false and nonexistent.

The human mind is a channel or conduit of direct connection to Deity and each person receives insight, inspiration, yearning, affirmation, assurances, and personal revelation. No mortal receives messages for other mortals or may act as an intermediary for gods or humans.

Doesn't happen. Cannot happen. Pure myth and superstition.

Or so I concluded after several "readings" I received and by research accomplished before finding the UB which only confirmed my own determination. Those who practice such intermediary mediumship are either sincere and self deluded or are charlatans seeking power and control over others. There are no special powers or connections some mortals enjoy that others do not or cannot access as well for themselves.

"Live loyally today—grow—and tomorrow will attend to itself. The quickest way for a tadpole to become a frog is to live loyally each moment as a tadpole."

Last edited by fanofVan on Sun Jan 23, 2022 7:11 am +0000, edited 1 time in total.

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Joined: Thu Jan 06, 2022 11:20 pm +0000
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Thanks for the warm and informative greetings!

I'm sure I'll rely on all of you for assistance with learning :smile:

In fact reading your responses has already sparked a question I'm going to contemplate and possibly present here for some insight

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Joined: Mon Nov 09, 2020 12:05 am +0000
Posts: 76
Welcome aboard, Onairo2

Reading your background and history was very interesting. It sounds like you have a well grounded spiritual understanding from all your previous experiences. You mentioned, "my career path in media is largely based on Christianity and the Christian market". Can you tell us a little more about what that entailed? The Urantia Papers talks about the "Celestial Artisans" and their ministry. Have you read about them yet? I recently have discovered some of the worship music and films produced by Christian groups and must say they are quite magnificent. Is this some of the things you have worked on?

You have asked the right questions to get here and at a very interesting time in our planetary history. May we all find the answers we are looking for to meet the demands of these changing times.

Take Care,

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Joined: Thu Jan 06, 2022 11:20 pm +0000
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mrlucky1x wrote:
Welcome aboard, Onairo2

Reading your background and history was very interesting. It sounds like you have a well grounded spiritual understanding from all your previous experiences. You mentioned, "my career path in media is largely based on Christianity and the Christian market". Can you tell us a little more about what that entailed? The Urantia Papers talks about the "Celestial Artisans" and their ministry. Have you read about them yet? I recently have discovered some of the worship music and films produced by Christian groups and must say they are quite magnificent. Is this some of the things you have worked on?

You have asked the right questions to get here and at a very interesting time in our planetary history. May we all find the answers we are looking for to meet the demands of these changing times.

Take Care,

Hi and thanks mrlucky,

I haven't read of the Celestial Artisans yet, but that's now next on my agenda!

As for my work, I can't say for sure if I've helped produce any of the work you've seen (though realistically, I doubt it). I started young working for a company that trained and set churches up for Television broadcasting. I primarily worked as a Camera/Camera crane operator for these kinds of Churches, other religious concerts, and other non-religious events as well. I also do Voice over work for them and occasionally program editing. Kind of a "Jack of many trades, but a master at none" situation for me. We do other media-related work as well...Interestingly, one of our side projects needed a logo commissioned a while back. Normally I'd also do the graphic design for something like that, but opted to push management to get some outside submissions for the logo. Well long story short, the logo we picked 4 years, though quite different in effect, was quite reminiscent of the "Banner of Michael" (3 Concentric circles) as I've recently learned. So perhaps that made coming across TUB recently all that much more smooth I suppose :/

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Joined: Mon Nov 09, 2020 12:05 am +0000
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There are no conspiracies but there are no coincidences. The divine does have a sense of humor... thankfully!

I have really enjoyed some of the productions of church services on YouTube. The Flatirons church in Colorado really rocks the house and their Christmas production was a spectacular, weepy-eyed, worship experience. Another favorite is Michael Smith's "Worship Forever". I find that the Jesusonian gospel comes through quite powerfully in certain Christian worship songs.

The simple message of the Fatherhood of God and brotherhood and sisterhood of all men and women, along with gratitude for God's forgiveness and love, when expressed musically, resonates with a broad spectrum of people.

Thanks for sharing a bit about yourself.

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