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 Post subject: Re: A Triggering Event

Joined: Sun Mar 25, 2012 5:29 am +0000
Posts: 6039
One of the most significant and most unique teachings I discovered in the Papers is that of the Supreme - the Experiential God!! The evolutionary and experiential wisdom gained by God's children of time (including all mortals and celestials in the universes of time) are not just and only the possession of each personality but are also the possession of God and the experience of God. The expressions of truth, beauty, goodness, love, loyalty, duty, morality, and service by each being in time are eternalized both personally and collectively. The collective experience becomes a new expression of Deity. An experience and expression that is not possible except for and by the reality experience and expression of each personality in time.

What an amazing, and totally logical, reality and truth! The experience of creature perfecting is an integral experience of Deity perfection! Perfected wisdom benefits by the function and results of perfecting wisdom - the wisdom of experience and trial and error in time.

We are not perfect beings. We are not pure spirit. We are experientially perfecting beings becoming spiritized by the experience of living and responding to the Spirit nature and connection. By mind we discover, know, feel, respond, and choose... we choose our motives, intentions, priorities, and strategies to interact with reality as we understand it. That understanding changes according to our maturity, wisdom, and spiritual growth. Fact, meaning, and value are all important and each is part of the other and not apart from each other to be chosen or divorced from one another. We cannot make decisions without information and we cannot make better decisions without mind and thought and experience. Wisdom is a function of mindedness and thoughtfulness and problem solving by endless choices and decisions.

Wisdom is gained by mastering problems!!

It is our heart and motive that matter most in this life. Spiritization is not a destiny, it is a journey. It is not a race. Speed and distance are irrelevant compared to direction and sincerity! True salvation is also not an event... it is an evolutionary, incremental, accumulative process of reality experience and the expression of that experience by the choices we make in time.

There are those among us tadpoles who pretend they are frogs. Sublimely ridiculous. We are not frogs until fusion. Until then we are told that the best way to become a frog is to live loyally today.... as tadpoles!!!!! Those who wish they were what they are not may never become what they think themselves already to be I think. We are not to become spirit until Finality on Havona. We only really begin that transition from material/morontial being to spirit upon fusion. Our soul is not spirit. It is morontial.

Those tadpoles so greatly disappointed in their fellow tadpoles have much yet to learn about being tadpoles!!


39:4.13 (435.6) To the inhabited worlds the quickeners of morality portray mortal life as an unbroken chain of many links. Your short sojourn on Urantia, on this sphere of mortal infancy, is only a single link, the very first in the long chain that is to stretch across universes and through the eternal ages. It is not so much what you learn in this first life; it is the experience of living this life that is important. Even the work of this world, paramount though it is, is not nearly so important as the way in which you do this work. There is no material reward for righteous living, but there is profound satisfaction—consciousness of achievement—and this transcends any conceivable material reward.

39:4.14 (435.7) The keys of the kingdom of heaven are: sincerity, more sincerity, and more sincerity. All men have these keys. Men use them—advance in spirit status—by decisions, by more decisions, and by more decisions. The highest moral choice is the choice of the highest possible value, and always—in any sphere, in all of them—this is to choose to do the will of God. If man thus chooses, he is great, though he be the humblest citizen of Jerusem or even the least of mortals on Urantia.


117:4.5 (1284.1) Any isolated action of the personal parts of the finite is comparatively irrelevant to the eventual appearance of the Supreme Whole, but the whole is nonetheless dependent on the total acts of the manifold parts. The personality of the individual mortal is insignificant in the face of the total of Supremacy, but the personality of each human being represents an irreplaceable meaning-value in the finite; personality, having once been expressed, never again finds identical expression except in the continuing existence of that living personality.

117:4.6 (1284.2) And so, as we strive for self-expression, the Supreme is striving in us, and with us, for deity expression. As we find the Father, so has the Supreme again found the Paradise Creator of all things. As we master the problems of self-realization, so is the God of experience achieving almighty supremacy in the universes of time and space.

117:4.7 (1284.3) Mankind does not ascend effortlessly in the universe, neither does the Supreme evolve without purposeful and intelligent action. Creatures do not attain perfection by mere passivity, nor can the spirit of Supremacy factualize the power of the Almighty without unceasing service ministry to the finite creation.

117:4.8 (1284.4) The temporal relation of man to the Supreme is the foundation for cosmic morality, the universal sensitivity to, and acceptance of, duty. This is a morality which transcends the temporal sense of relative right and wrong; it is a morality directly predicated on the self-conscious creature’s appreciation of experiential obligation to experiential Deity. Mortal man and all other finite creatures are created out of the living potential of energy, mind, and spirit existent in the Supreme. It is upon the Supreme that the Adjuster-mortal ascender draws for the creation of the immortal and divine character of a finaliter. It is out of the very reality of the Supreme that the Adjuster, with the consent of the human will, weaves the patterns of the eternal nature of an ascending son of God.

117:4.9 (1284.5) The evolution of Adjuster progress in the spiritualizing and eternalizing of a human personality is directly productive of an enlargement of the sovereignty of the Supreme. Such achievements in human evolution are at the same time achievements in the evolutionary actualization of the Supreme. While it is true that creatures could not evolve without the Supreme, it is probably also true that the evolution of the Supreme can never be fully attained independent of the completed evolution of all creatures. Herein lies the great cosmic responsibility of self-conscious personalities: That Supreme Deity is in a certain sense dependent on the choosing of the mortal will. And the mutual progression of creature evolution and of Supreme evolution is faithfully and fully indicated to the Ancients of Days over the inscrutable mechanisms of universe reflectivity.

117:4.10 (1284.6) The great challenge that has been given to mortal man is this: Will you decide to personalize the experiencible value meanings of the cosmos into your own evolving selfhood? or by rejecting survival, will you allow these secrets of Supremacy to lie dormant, awaiting the action of another creature at some other time who will in his way attempt a creature contribution to the evolution of the finite God? But that will be his contribution to the Supreme, not yours.

117:4.11 (1284.7) The great struggle of this universe age is between the potential and the actual—the seeking for actualization by all that is as yet unexpressed. If mortal man proceeds upon the Paradise adventure, he is following the motions of time, which flow as currents within the stream of eternity; if mortal man rejects the eternal career, he is moving counter to the stream of events in the finite universes. The mechanical creation moves on inexorably in accordance with the unfolding purpose of the Paradise Father, but the volitional creation has the choice of accepting or of rejecting the role of personality participation in the adventure of eternity. Mortal man cannot destroy the supreme values of human existence, but he can very definitely prevent the evolution of these values in his own personal experience. To the extent that the human self thus refuses to take part in the Paradise ascent, to just that extent is the Supreme delayed in achieving divinity expression in the grand universe.

117:4.12 (1285.1) Into the keeping of mortal man has been given not only the Adjuster presence of the Paradise Father but also control over the destiny of an infinitesimal fraction of the future of the Supreme. For as man attains human destiny, so does the Supreme achieve destiny on deity levels.

"Live loyally today—grow—and tomorrow will attend to itself. The quickest way for a tadpole to become a frog is to live loyally each moment as a tadpole."

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 Post subject: Re: A Triggering Event

Joined: Sun Mar 25, 2012 5:29 am +0000
Posts: 6039
Want to experience a true "Triggering Event"???

https://www.urantia.org/urantia-book/se ... &op=Search

Try a personal jubilee!! Intentionally enter the Kingdom of Universe Realities and dedicate your life to loving service in God’s friendly universe!!

34:6.7 (381.1) Those who have received and recognized the indwelling of God have been born of the Spirit. “You are the temple of God, and the spirit of God dwells in you.” It is not enough that this spirit be poured out upon you; the divine Spirit must dominate and control every phase of human experience.

34:6.8 (381.2) It is the presence of the divine Spirit, the water of life, that prevents the consuming thirst of mortal discontent and that indescribable hunger of the unspiritualized human mind. Spirit-motivated beings “never thirst, for this spiritual water shall be in them a well of satisfaction springing up into life everlasting.” Such divinely watered souls are all but independent of material environment as regards the joys of living and the satisfactions of earthly existence. They are spiritually illuminated and refreshed, morally strengthened and endowed.

34:6.9 (381.3) In every mortal there exists a dual nature: the inheritance of animal tendencies and the high urge of spirit endowment. During the short life you live on Urantia, these two diverse and opposing urges can seldom be fully reconciled; they can hardly be harmonized and unified; but throughout your lifetime the combined Spirit ever ministers to assist you in subjecting the flesh more and more to the leading of the Spirit. Even though you must live your material life through, even though you cannot escape the body and its necessities, nonetheless, in purpose and ideals you are empowered increasingly to subject the animal nature to the mastery of the Spirit. There truly exists within you a conspiracy of spiritual forces, a confederation of divine powers, whose exclusive purpose is to effect your final deliverance from material bondage and finite handicaps.

34:6.10 (381.4) The purpose of all this ministration is, “That you may be strengthened with power through His spirit in the inner man.” And all this represents but the preliminary steps to the final attainment of the perfection of faith and service, that experience wherein you shall be “filled with all the fullness of God,” “for all those who are led by the spirit of God are the sons of God.”

34:6.11 (381.5) The Spirit never drives, only leads. If you are a willing learner, if you want to attain spirit levels and reach divine heights, if you sincerely desire to reach the eternal goal, then the divine Spirit will gently and lovingly lead you along the pathway of sonship and spiritual progress. Every step you take must be one of willingness, intelligent and cheerful co-operation. The domination of the Spirit is never tainted with coercion nor compromised by compulsion.

34:6.12 (381.6) And when such a life of spirit guidance is freely and intelligently accepted, there gradually develops within the human mind a positive consciousness of divine contact and assurance of spirit communion; sooner or later “the Spirit bears witness with your spirit (the Adjuster) that you are a child of God.” Already has your own Thought Adjuster told you of your kinship to God so that the record testifies that the Spirit bears witness “with your spirit,” not to your spirit.

34:6.13 (381.7) The consciousness of the spirit domination of a human life is presently attended by an increasing exhibition of the characteristics of the Spirit in the life reactions of such a spirit-led mortal, “for the fruits of the spirit are love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance.” Such spirit-guided and divinely illuminated mortals, while they yet tread the lowly paths of toil and in human faithfulness perform the duties of their earthly assignments, have already begun to discern the lights of eternal life as they glimmer on the faraway shores of another world; already have they begun to comprehend the reality of that inspiring and comforting truth, “The kingdom of God is not meat and drink but righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.” And throughout every trial and in the presence of every hardship, spirit-born souls are sustained by that hope which transcends all fear because the love of God is shed abroad in all hearts by the presence of the divine Spirit.

Me here: Now that's a triggering event!!! Probably the only such triggering event any tadpole believer needs to be concerned with.

:wink: :biggrin: 8)

"Live loyally today—grow—and tomorrow will attend to itself. The quickest way for a tadpole to become a frog is to live loyally each moment as a tadpole."

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 Post subject: Re: A Triggering Event

Joined: Fri Mar 29, 2019 3:27 pm +0000
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Amen! Do we comprehend? Is out faith strong? And, what are we doing about it.

Contemplating this glorious, potential future induces a desire to make myself worthy of it. I am charged with optimism, and have no serious doubts that the Father's love will pull me through, but I know I need to work on myself – to pay attention, and be present at every moment to the life in me and around me. I need to see all the things that arise in my daily life as opportunity to serve someone, or some cause. I know this is what my Father wants, and I strive to follow his unspoken leading.

The years of experimenting with, and studying, the philosophy, ideas, and techniques of spiritual awakening from the minds of others is pretty much over for me. I absorbed what I could, and thank them for it. The revelation that the Spirit of the Eternal Father resides in my mind, and walks with me every moment, is all the Wisdom I need.

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 Post subject: Re: A Triggering Event
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Joined: Mon Oct 17, 2005 8:08 am +0000
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Thank you Fan O Van, I found the sparring a true learning experience.

I had been recently pondering if the upcoming eclipse on April 9th, 7 years after the last eclipse on August 21 might serve as some kind of tribulation period, so I search the Forum to see if anyone else had the same thought. I found Jim Georges post and was fascinated —until I read you response, which reminded me that eclipses and signs from heaven are old school and I should know better.

Thank you.

If I ever try to pull that ka kadoodie on www.UrantiaRadio.net podcast, please, being me back to realville.

Thank you, and to Jim, FanoVan is right, you may have missed the starting gun, it was fired already.
(From Pink Floyds’ song “Time” (“noone told me when to run, you missed the starting gun….”)

Jim Watkins
SW Florida

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 Post subject: Re: A Triggering Event

Joined: Sun Mar 25, 2012 5:29 am +0000
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jwatkins00 wrote:
Thank you Fan O Van, I found the sparring a true learning experience.

I had been recently pondering if the upcoming eclipse on April 9th, 7 years after the last eclipse on August 21 might serve as some kind of tribulation period, so I search the Forum to see if anyone else had the same thought. I found Jim Georges post and was fascinated —until I read you response, which reminded me that eclipses and signs from heaven are old school and I should know better.

Thank you.

If I ever try to pull that ka kadoodie on http://www.UrantiaRadio.net podcast, please, being me back to realville.

Thank you, and to Jim, FanoVan is right, you may have missed the starting gun, it was fired already.
(From Pink Floyds’ song “Time” (“noone told me when to run, you missed the starting gun….”)

102:7.6 (1126.6) The God-knowing individual is not one who is blind to the difficulties or unmindful of the obstacles which stand in the way of finding God in the maze of superstition, tradition, and materialistic tendencies of modern times. He has encountered all these deterrents and triumphed over them, surmounted them by living faith, and attained the highlands of spiritual experience in spite of them. But it is true that many who are inwardly sure about God fear to assert such feelings of certainty because of the multiplicity and cleverness of those who assemble objections and magnify difficulties about believing in God. It requires no great depth of intellect to pick flaws, ask questions, or raise objections. But it does require brilliance of mind to answer these questions and solve these difficulties; faith certainty is the greatest technique for dealing with all such superficial contentions.

Me here: The ability to outgrow primitive superstitions is a sign of faith and maturity Jim W.! The signs and wonders crowd lack both. Those who are so disappointed in the obvious momentum of planetary progress are blind and impatient and they lack confidence in the Most Highs and our planetary destiny.

Disappointment and impatience are great obstacles to the immature. The assurance of faith overcomes all uncertainty and disappointment, and prevents the error of impatience.

Glad to hear of your own discernment and faith and wisdom in this regard.


"Live loyally today—grow—and tomorrow will attend to itself. The quickest way for a tadpole to become a frog is to live loyally each moment as a tadpole."

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 Post subject: Re: A Triggering Event
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Joined: Wed Oct 15, 2003 8:59 pm +0000
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170:5.8 “But doubt not, this same kingdom of heaven which the Master taught exists within the heart of the believer, will yet be proclaimed to this Christian church, even as to all other religions, races, and nations on earth – even to every individual.”

This statement of expectation has always been a curiosity to me. If the kingdom will be proclaimed “even to every individual”, how can that happen unless it happens essentially in one generation, or maybe even in one moment? Let me explain. Our current world population in September 2021 is estimated to be 7.888 billion people. Our yearly births are about 139.82 million. That is almost 140 million new people who will have to be told of Jesus’ gospel each year. And further, nearly 60.1 million die each year, so we have to make sure they all were told before they go. Therefore, the population is continuing to increase at about 80 million people per year so that by 2023 we will reach 8 billion people worldwide.

But then there is this. The current average human life span worldwide is 73.2 years. This means that these 8 billion people only live on the planet for about 73.2 years at best with 60 plus million leaving this year and 140 million arriving. So, 73.2 years from now, i.e., by 2100, everybody who is currently on the planet will be replaced by new folks. All who currently know of Jesus and all those who don’t, will have left, presumably for Mansonia, according to the common thinking of many Urantians. So, how does the story migrate from one generation to the next, or isn’t that really our job?

Evangelization is how. Those of us who know will pass the story along. How we pass it along is one issue, how effectively we pass it along is another, how much of a deal we make of it as we pass it along is another altogether. You see, we only will ever have our one generation to tell as many as we can if we ever have any hope of telling the whole world. Every generation has the same obligation. Since the planet will be home to a whole new population of 8 billion, we collectively have 73.2 years to tell the 8 billion people who are here now.

Now, let’s look at how we are doing. If the population of the world is increasing annually by the number 137.82 million then it is imperative that we share the Gospel with that many just to maintain a steady state. We must also address how we are going to share the Gospel with the other 8 billion while we are taking care of the 138 or so million new residents. Ladies and gentlemen, the equivalent population of the entire city of New Orleans, LA is born on our planet every single day; that is 383 thousand new souls every day. The numbers are staggering.

Yet, according to the best guesses of the Urantia Foundation and others, we have not shared the Gospel as presented in the Urantia Book with even 5 million yet (I am being generous) and we have been at it for 66 years, since 1955. At this rate it may well take well over 1,578 generations just to tell the folks who are currently here on the planet much less the trillions of folks who arrive during that time. So, how many generations do you think it will take to expand the knowledge of the Gospel sufficiently so we can fulfill the statement in paper 170:5.8? The answer is 1,578 generations at 73.2 years each to tell 8 billion people, which is if we can tell 5 million per generation.

Or are we missing something here? 12,446,120,163,509 is the number of people who will have passed from birth to death on this planet during that time while we are trying to tell the current 8 billion. Funny how far from reality this is; the idea of spreading it by “word of mouth”. I suggest our current way will not do the trick, don’t you agree?

Oh, I get it, it’s not our problem you say? And clearly you are correct; at least it isn’t one we are taking on seriously, nor could we if left to our own devises. So, when I suggest that the Revelation of the 5th Epoch isn’t complete, that there must be a new plan for a new revelation God has in mind (as is stated in 195:10), and suggest that some kind of “triggering event” as in a “New John the Baptist” (say now I wonder if anyone has thought of that) is on the horizon, I hear derision and scorn from Bradley and others. And I am merely immature in my outlook?

How dare we say, we are doing just fine? What a joke. “Feed my sheep”, Jesus said. He has 8 billion head of sheep on Urantia right now and humanity is spiritually starving to death. 73.2 years from now they will all be gone and 8 billion others will have taken their places . . . word of mouth, yeah right! Or, maybe we don’t really believe the papers after all.

I think it is about time we quit thinking we are capable of fulfilling the admonition of paper 170:5.8 on our own. I think it is time we got down off our pedestals of self-righteousness, of see how much of the Urantia Book we each know contests, and got down on our knees and yelled ‘uncle’. We need help. The world’s people need help.

It is time for a hatching of butterflies.


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 Post subject: Re: A Triggering Event

Joined: Sun Mar 25, 2012 5:29 am +0000
Posts: 6039
Jim George wrote:
170:5.8 “But doubt not, this same kingdom of heaven which the Master taught exists within the heart of the believer, will yet be proclaimed to this Christian church, even as to all other religions, races, and nations on earth – even to every individual.”

This statement of expectation has always been a curiosity to me. If the kingdom will be proclaimed “even to every individual”, how can that happen unless it happens essentially in one generation, or maybe even in one moment? Let me explain. Our current world population in September 2021 is estimated to be 7.888 billion people. Our yearly births are about 139.82 million. That is almost 140 million new people who will have to be told of Jesus’ gospel each year. And further, nearly 60.1 million die each year, so we have to make sure they all were told before they go. Therefore, the population is continuing to increase at about 80 million people per year so that by 2023 we will reach 8 billion people worldwide.

But then there is this. The current average human life span worldwide is 73.2 years. This means that these 8 billion people only live on the planet for about 73.2 years at best with 60 plus million leaving this year and 140 million arriving. So, 73.2 years from now, i.e., by 2100, everybody who is currently on the planet will be replaced by new folks. All who currently know of Jesus and all those who don’t, will have left, presumably for Mansonia, according to the common thinking of many Urantians. So, how does the story migrate from one generation to the next, or isn’t that really our job?

Evangelization is how. Those of us who know will pass the story along. How we pass it along is one issue, how effectively we pass it along is another, how much of a deal we make of it as we pass it along is another altogether. You see, we only will ever have our one generation to tell as many as we can if we ever have any hope of telling the whole world. Every generation has the same obligation. Since the planet will be home to a whole new population of 8 billion, we collectively have 73.2 years to tell the 8 billion people who are here now.

Now, let’s look at how we are doing. If the population of the world is increasing annually by the number 137.82 million then it is imperative that we share the Gospel with that many just to maintain a steady state. We must also address how we are going to share the Gospel with the other 8 billion while we are taking care of the 138 or so million new residents. Ladies and gentlemen, the equivalent population of the entire city of New Orleans, LA is born on our planet every single day; that is 383 thousand new souls every day. The numbers are staggering.

Yet, according to the best guesses of the Urantia Foundation and others, we have not shared the Gospel as presented in the Urantia Book with even 5 million yet (I am being generous) and we have been at it for 66 years, since 1955. At this rate it may well take well over 1,578 generations just to tell the folks who are currently here on the planet much less the trillions of folks who arrive during that time. So, how many generations do you think it will take to expand the knowledge of the Gospel sufficiently so we can fulfill the statement in paper 170:5.8? The answer is 1,578 generations at 73.2 years each to tell 8 billion people, which is if we can tell 5 million per generation.

Or are we missing something here? 62,230,600,817,543 is the number of people who will have passed from birth to death on this planet during that time while we are trying to tell the current 8 billion. Funny how far from reality this is; from the idea of spreading it by “word of mouth”. I suggest our current way will not do the trick, don’t you agree?

Oh, I get it, it’s not our problem you say? And clearly you are correct; at least it isn’t one we are taking on seriously, nor could we if left to our own devises. So, when I suggest that the Revelation of the 5th Epoch isn’t complete, that there must be a new plan for a new revelation God has in mind (as is stated in 195:10), and suggest that some kind of “triggering event” as in a “New John the Baptist” (say now I wonder if anyone has thought of that) is on the horizon, I hear derision and scorn from Bradley and others. And I am merely immature in my outlook?

How dare we say, we are doing just fine? What a joke. “Feed my sheep”, Jesus said. He has 8 billion head of sheep on Urantia right now and humanity is spiritually starving to death. 73.2 years from now they will all be gone and 8 billion others will have taken their places . . . word of mouth, yeah right! Or, maybe we don’t really believe the papers after all.

I think it is about time we quit thinking we are capable of fulfilling the admonition of paper 170:5.8 on our own. I think it is time we got down off our pedestals of self-righteousness, of see how much of the Urantia Book we each know contests, and got down on our knees and yelled ‘uncle’. We need help. The world’s people need help.

It is time for a hatching of butterflies.


More proclamations and declarations which directly refute and contradict the UB but do promote Jim's predictions of an imminent visitation and dispensational triggering event.

Yikes. Oh dear. How very shrill. And dark. And impatient. And desperate. Hopeless really. What a state of affairs you declare here.

Speaking for others...again...and still. Who is "we" Jim? Who says it's not our problem? Who dares to say we are doing just fine? What is "our current way"? Who says so? Who thinks we are capable of fulfilling anything at all "on our own"? Who is it that is on a "pedestal of self-righteousness"? Who is engaged in a "see how much of the UB we each know contest"? Please learn to speak for yourself Jim.

Your low opinions about others are merely opinions after all... and false. You speak for no one else Jim... no one.

Still more disappointment Jim? You claim 8 billion souls are "spiritually starving to death". WOW!! Talk about self-righteous!! And judgmental!! So the world is damned?? There is no hope?? The Spirit of Truth has failed?? The plan of evolutionary progress and the Most Highs are failures as well??

The text in 170:5.8 does not say or mean that all peoples will know or hear the Jesusonian Gospel suddenly or at the same time and all at once Jim. Good grief. It declares the inevitable outcome of the progressive planetary evolutionary outcomes and destiny of every world which rises from the slime of cellular life to the trees and caves of human origin to the sublime enlightened mortal planetary state of light and life!!!

Your disappointment with the Urantia Foundation and Fellowship and Association is well documented here Jim. You find their work of 3 generations of servants, volunteers, donors, and servant leaders disappointing and a failure. You whine about it quite often and vociferously. Their list of accomplishments is far too lengthy to recite here but does include distribution of the Papers in over15 languages for free digital downloads and an organizational infrastructure for planetary dissemination of the Revelation and related inspirational works of art and literature and gatherings and study groups - all of which are active on every continent in a growing and vital community that spans languages and cultures and countries. These seed sowers have been an inspiration and example of bravery and effort with great success!!

Your post above is a preposterous distortion of the message of both the Jesusonian Gospel and the Urantia Book. But certainly does exemplify your own dark and dangerous perspective of reality. How sad and unfortunate. Only you proclaim that all people will suddenly and universally know the universal gospel proclaimed by Michael. Not at all what the UB says Jim. Not even close. The UB teaches that all people everywhere will eventually come to know and embrace that Good News and that the Brotherhood of all creation will reign and rule our world with a singular certainty and knowledge and perspective of universe reality by EVOLUTIONARY PROGRESS attained one soul and one generation at a time. It clearly teaches that planetary destiny is far, far, far into our future and that many epochs of evolutionary progress will occur between now and then.

That truth and fact is clearly described and outlined in its many stages of progressive and evolutionary development in the UB. What you do here is defy and contradict the glorious description of our shared destiny and the universal progression required of all and every evolutionary sphere in all time and space. Shame on you. And your impatience. And your disappointment. You sound as if you are unraveling Jim. Gripped by the petulant immaturity of impatience and disappointment.

But let not the students here or the believers anywhere buy into your personal angst and regrets and guilt and blame and demands of instant gratification and the abrogation of the demands of evolution for patience and forbearance and resolve and courage and faith and trust in the Most Highs and the certainties of destiny described by the Gospel of Jesus and the Revelation we share here together!!

"Impatience is a spirit poison."

74:8.14 (838.6) The “golden age” is a myth, but Eden was a fact, and the Garden civilization was actually overthrown. Adam and Eve carried on in the Garden for one hundred and seventeen years when, through the impatience of Eve and the errors of judgment of Adam, they presumed to turn aside from the ordained way, speedily bringing disaster upon themselves and ruinous retardation upon the developmental progression of all Urantia.

75:1.6 (840.2) Probably no Material Sons of Nebadon were ever faced with such a difficult and seemingly hopeless task as confronted Adam and Eve in the sorry plight of Urantia. But they would have sometime met with success had they been more farseeing and patient. Both of them, especially Eve, were altogether too impatient; they were not willing to settle down to the long, long endurance test. They wanted to see some immediate results, and they did, but the results thus secured proved most disastrous both to themselves and to their world.

"Evangelism and the Urantia Book": viewtopic.php?f=1&t=5502


118:1.3 (1295.3) There is a direct relationship between maturity and the unit of time consciousness in any given intellect. The time unit may be a day, a year, or a longer period, but inevitably it is the criterion by which the conscious self evaluates the circumstances of life, and by which the conceiving intellect measures and evaluates the facts of temporal existence.

118:1.8 (1295.8) The time unit of immaturity concentrates meaning-value into the present moment in such a way as to divorce the present of its true relationship to the not-present—the past-future. The time unit of maturity is proportioned so to reveal the co-ordinate relationship of past-present-future that the self begins to gain insight into the wholeness of events, begins to view the landscape of time from the panoramic perspective of broadened horizons, begins perhaps to suspect the nonbeginning, nonending eternal continuum, the fragments of which are called time.

"Live loyally today—grow—and tomorrow will attend to itself. The quickest way for a tadpole to become a frog is to live loyally each moment as a tadpole."

Last edited by fanofVan on Tue Sep 14, 2021 9:46 am +0000, edited 2 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: A Triggering Event

Joined: Sun Mar 25, 2012 5:29 am +0000
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Jim's false declarations and proclamations and predictions above should encourage everyone to actually read Paper 170 to gain perspective and the context of the text posted. For the quote is actually about the source of Christian distortions and misunderstanding of the teachings of the Master regarding the Kingdom of God and Brotherhood of humanity and how that mythology will eventually be overcome and replaced by the truth of the universal gospel of truth.

Jim merely perpetuates the impatient distortion of those who seek rapture, planetary deliverance, signs and wonders, and instant gratification. Such folk as Jim are the very people described in Paper 170 who cling to pagan superstitions of deliverance and rapture and the imposition of perfection by the gods without the work and experiential wisdom required and delivered only by evolutionary progress.

The Kingdom of Heaven

170:0.1 (1858.1) SATURDAY afternoon, March 11, Jesus preached his last sermon at Pella. This was among the notable addresses of his public ministry, embracing a full and complete discussion of the kingdom of heaven. He was aware of the confusion which existed in the minds of his apostles and disciples regarding the meaning and significance of the terms “kingdom of heaven” and “kingdom of God,” which he used as interchangeable designations of his bestowal mission. Although the very term kingdom of heaven should have been enough to separate what it stood for from all connection with earthly kingdoms and temporal governments, it was not. The idea of a temporal king was too deep-rooted in the Jewish mind thus to be dislodged in a single generation. Therefore Jesus did not at first openly oppose this long-nourished concept of the kingdom.

170:0.2 (1858.2) This Sabbath afternoon the Master sought to clarify the teaching about the kingdom of heaven; he discussed the subject from every viewpoint and endeavored to make clear the many different senses in which the term had been used. In this narrative we will amplify the address by adding numerous statements made by Jesus on previous occasions and by including some remarks made only to the apostles during the evening discussions of this same day. We will also make certain comments dealing with the subsequent outworking of the kingdom idea as it is related to the later Christian church.

1. Concepts of the Kingdom of Heaven

Me here: Jim preaches a globalized religious social order just like the Persians and Jews of old and the paganistic Paulinian Christianity which supplanted the teachings of Jesus expressed in Paper 170 and still grip and guide many Christians still today... just like Jim.

The Kingdom is within. The Kingdom is already here. Anyone may join the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Believers here and now. Those are not a distant time or universal event. It is personal and individually chosen. The Gospel presented BY the Master is universally whispered to every mind and heart to all mortals with soul and connected to the Divine Spirit and Deity Gravity Circuits by the Spirit of Truth and the God Fragments within.

That's about 8 billion folks here on Urantia. And we are not starving or lost or abandoned or forsaken but, rather, are cherished and beloved children of God on the Shrine of Nebadon!!

Jim seeks to supplant and substitute the true kingdom for his very Christianized prejudices and impatient hopes for deliverance by rapture and the avoidance of the responsibilities of evolutionary progress requiring patience and courage and faith and trust.

But, according to 170:5.8 this kingdom Jim is so anxious to come is ALREADY here in the hearts of Believers. Jim still waits, and waits... for that which is here now and grows and grows by the ministry of Truth within and the response to that truth by 8 billion souls on this world. To proclaim the failure of truth and the Spirit of Truth and the Divine Ministry and the Most Highs here is most unfortunate and ghastly to be honest.

Behold the Christian preacher amongst us here spewing the Paulinian doctrines of fear and blame and anger and deliverance. The telling of the Gospel to others does not create the Brotherhood or deliver the Kingdom to any others. Only the actual embrace of the Spirit within delivers what Jim demands. If salvation could be delivered merely by giving out information then wouldn't that be easy???? Nonsense. One must believe to be a believer. To only hear is not to believe. And to claim belief is not faith either. The Brotherhood is a reflection of the actual faith and religious experience!!

170:5.7 (1864.7) The church, as a social outgrowth of the kingdom, would have been wholly natural and even desirable. The evil of the church was not its existence, but rather that it almost completely supplanted the Jesus concept of the kingdom. Paul’s institutionalized church became a virtual substitute for the kingdom of heaven which Jesus had proclaimed.

170:5.8 (1864.8) But doubt not, this same kingdom of heaven which the Master taught exists within the heart of the believer, will yet be proclaimed to this Christian church, even as to all other religions, races, and nations on earth—even to every individual.

170:5.9 (1864.9) The kingdom of Jesus’ teaching, the spiritual ideal of individual righteousness and the concept of man’s divine fellowship with God, became gradually submerged into the mystic conception of the person of Jesus as the Redeemer-Creator and spiritual head of a socialized religious community. In this way a formal and institutional church became the substitute for the individually spirit-led brotherhood of the kingdom.

"Live loyally today—grow—and tomorrow will attend to itself. The quickest way for a tadpole to become a frog is to live loyally each moment as a tadpole."

Last edited by fanofVan on Tue Sep 14, 2021 4:34 pm +0000, edited 7 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: A Triggering Event

Joined: Sun Mar 25, 2012 5:29 am +0000
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Please read Paper 170!!!!

:!: :idea:

170:5.14 (1865.4) When Jesus’ immediate followers recognized their partial failure to realize his ideal of the establishment of the kingdom in the hearts of men by the spirit’s domination and guidance of the individual believer, they set about to save his teaching from being wholly lost by substituting for the Master’s ideal of the kingdom the gradual creation of a visible social organization, the Christian church. And when they had accomplished this program of substitution, in order to maintain consistency and to provide for the recognition of the Master’s teaching regarding the fact of the kingdom, they proceeded to set the kingdom off into the future. The church, just as soon as it was well established, began to teach that the kingdom was in reality to appear at the culmination of the Christian age, at the second coming of Christ.

170:5.15 (1865.5) In this manner the kingdom became the concept of an age, the idea of a future visitation, and the ideal of the final redemption of the saints of the Most High. The early Christians (and all too many of the later ones) generally lost sight of the Father-and-son idea embodied in Jesus’ teaching of the kingdom, while they substituted therefor the well-organized social fellowship of the church. The church thus became in the main a social brotherhood which effectively displaced Jesus’ concept and ideal of a spiritual brotherhood.

170:5.16 (1865.6) Jesus’ ideal concept largely failed, but upon the foundation of the Master’s personal life and teachings, supplemented by the Greek and Persian concepts of eternal life and augmented by Philo’s doctrine of the temporal contrasted with the spiritual, Paul went forth to build up one of the most progressive human societies which has ever existed on Urantia.

170:5.17 (1865.7) The concept of Jesus is still alive in the advanced religions of the world. Paul’s Christian church is the socialized and humanized shadow of what Jesus intended the kingdom of heaven to be—and what it most certainly will yet become. Paul and his successors partly transferred the issues of eternal life from the individual to the church. Christ thus became the head of the church rather than the elder brother of each individual believer in the Father’s family of the kingdom. Paul and his contemporaries applied all of Jesus’ spiritual implications regarding himself and the individual believer to the church as a group of believers; and in doing this, they struck a deathblow to Jesus’ concept of the divine kingdom in the heart of the individual believer.


Jim has preached here that knowledge about Jesus is the same as the Jesusonian Gospel. This falsehood is a myth and grave misrepresentation of the Master’s teachings and good news. The Good News is the good news, not its messenger. At least according to Jesus that is. The fact is the Jesusonian Gospel is delivered universally to all mortals on all worlds alike by every celestial and Divine ministry for all time.

The Gospel of Good News is not peculiar or exclusive to Urantia.

Please think about that. The true Gospel as delivered by Jesus is not about Jesus. It is about our connection to and relationship with God and to one another! Get it??!!

That connection is the Kingdom. It's here now. Be there now. Be here now.


Jim implies by his disappointment and impatience that our world has become orphaned and abandoned and is uncared for and is doomed without radical and immediate interventions. He literally declares here the failure of Michael and the Most Highs and all the angelic hosts and Loyal Midwayer Corps that minister to our world and lead us toward our inevitable destiny of Light and Life. Jim proclaims failure and doom for "8 billion head of sheep on Urantia right now and humanity is spiritually starving to death."

What a horrific lie and deception to declare here to this student body and community of believers. Jim does not believe the teachings of the UB obviously. He declares them false and a deception. He obliterates and contradicts the teaching of the inevitabilities of destiny and our planetary watchcare and wondrous ministry of leadership and the process of evolutionary progress as presented in the UB.

This defies and contradicts everything about and within the Urantia Papers. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

114:7.17 (1259.2) Your isolated world is not forgotten in the counsels of the universe. Urantia is not a cosmic orphan stigmatized by sin and shut away from divine watchcare by rebellion. From Uversa to Salvington and on down to Jerusem, even in Havona and on Paradise, they all know we are here; and you mortals now dwelling on Urantia are just as lovingly cherished and just as faithfully watched over as if the sphere had never been betrayed by a faithless Planetary Prince, even more so. It is eternally true, “the Father himself loves you.”

119:8.8 (1319.1) Urantia is the sentimental shrine of all Nebadon, the chief of ten million inhabited worlds, the mortal home of Christ Michael, sovereign of all Nebadon, a Melchizedek minister to the realms, a system savior, an Adamic redeemer, a seraphic fellow, an associate of ascending spirits, a morontia progressor, a Son of Man in the likeness of mortal flesh, and the Planetary Prince of Urantia. And your record tells the truth when it says that this same Jesus has promised sometime to return to the world of his terminal bestowal, the World of the Cross.

15:14.5 (182.4) Your world is called Urantia, and it is number 606 in the planetary group, or system, of Satania. This system has at present 619 inhabited worlds, and more than two hundred additional planets are evolving favorably toward becoming inhabited worlds at some future time.

15:14.6 (182.5) Satania has a headquarters world called Jerusem, and it is system number twenty-four in the constellation of Norlatiadek. Your constellation, Norlatiadek, consists of one hundred local systems and has a headquarters world called Edentia. Norlatiadek is number seventy in the universe of Nebadon. The local universe of Nebadon consists of one hundred constellations and has a capital known as Salvington. The universe of Nebadon is number eighty-four in the minor sector of Ensa.

15:14.7 (182.6) The minor sector of Ensa consists of one hundred local universes and has a capital called Uminor the third. This minor sector is number three in the major sector of Splandon. Splandon consists of one hundred minor sectors and has a headquarters world called Umajor the fifth. It is the fifth major sector of the superuniverse of Orvonton, the seventh segment of the grand universe. Thus you can locate your planet in the scheme of the organization and administration of the universe of universes.

15:14.8 (182.7) The grand universe number of your world, Urantia, is 5,342,482,337,666. That is the registry number on Uversa and on Paradise, your number in the catalogue of the inhabited worlds. I know the physical-sphere registry number, but it is of such an extraordinary size that it is of little practical significance to the mortal mind.

15:14.9 (183.1) Your planet is a member of an enormous cosmos; you belong to a well-nigh infinite family of worlds, but your sphere is just as precisely administered and just as lovingly fostered as if it were the only inhabited world in all existence.


Jim perpetuates myth and falsehood with his impatient disappointments!

170:4.16 (1863.14) His apostles and disciples most certainly linked these two teachings together. When the kingdom failed to materialize as they had expected, recalling the Master’s teaching concerning a future kingdom and remembering his promise to come again, they jumped to the conclusion that these promises referred to an identical event; and therefore they lived in hope of his immediate second coming to establish the kingdom in its fullness and with power and glory. And so have successive believing generations lived on earth entertaining the same inspiring but disappointing hope.

"Live loyally today—grow—and tomorrow will attend to itself. The quickest way for a tadpole to become a frog is to live loyally each moment as a tadpole."

Last edited by fanofVan on Tue Sep 14, 2021 3:16 pm +0000, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: A Triggering Event

Joined: Sun Mar 25, 2012 5:29 am +0000
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Jim appears to be under the delusion that if the whole world only heard something, they would believe that something and would choose to act upon it and, somehow miraculously be transformed instantly into saints.

Holy Moly.

I am reminded of the bread and fishes episode whereby the Master taught the apostles the futility and emptiness of employing signs and wonders to gain attention and an audience and a mob who only demand more and more signs and wonders but reject the truth which might accompany those wonders!!

152:5.3 (1704.2) “How long shall I bear with you? Are you all slow of spiritual comprehension and deficient in living faith? All these months have I taught you the truths of the kingdom, and yet are you dominated by material motives instead of spiritual considerations. Have you not even read in the Scriptures where Moses exhorted the unbelieving children of Israel, saying: ‘Fear not, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord’? Said the singer: ‘Put your trust in the Lord.’ ‘Be patient, wait upon the Lord and be of good courage. He shall strengthen your heart.’ ‘Cast your burden on the Lord, and he shall sustain you. Trust him at all times and pour out your heart to him, for God is your refuge.’ ‘He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.’ ‘It is better to trust the Lord than to put confidence in human princes.’

152:5.4 (1704.3) “And now do you all see that the working of miracles and the performance of material wonders will not win souls for the spiritual kingdom? We fed the multitude, but it did not lead them to hunger for the bread of life neither to thirst for the waters of spiritual righteousness. When their hunger was satisfied, they sought not entrance into the kingdom of heaven but rather sought to proclaim the Son of Man king after the manner of the kings of this world, only that they might continue to eat bread without having to toil therefor. And all this, in which many of you did more or less participate, does nothing to reveal the heavenly Father or to advance his kingdom on earth. Have we not sufficient enemies among the religious leaders of the land without doing that which is likely to estrange also the civil rulers? I pray that the Father will anoint your eyes that you may see and open your ears that you may hear, to the end that you may have full faith in the gospel which I have taught you.”


"Live loyally today—grow—and tomorrow will attend to itself. The quickest way for a tadpole to become a frog is to live loyally each moment as a tadpole."

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 Post subject: Re: A Triggering Event

Joined: Fri Aug 27, 2021 3:08 pm +0000
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May I suggest Paper 136....?

Even Jesus needed forty days to deal with the changes He just went through :-)

Jesus sorrowed for his people; he fully understood how they had been led up to the expectation of the coming Messiah, the time when “the earth will yield its fruits ten thousandfold, and on one vine there will be a thousand branches, and each branch will produce a thousand clusters, and each cluster will produce a thousand grapes, and each grape will produce a gallon of wine.” The Jews believed the Messiah would usher in an era of miraculous plenty. The Hebrews had long been nurtured on traditions of miracles and legends of wonders.

He was not a Messiah coming to multiply bread and wine. He came not to minister to temporal needs only; he came to reveal his Father in heaven to his children on earth, while he sought to lead his earth children to join him in a sincere effort so to live as to do the will of the Father in heaven.

In this decision Jesus of Nazareth portrayed to an onlooking universe the folly and sin of prostituting divine talents and God-given abilities for personal aggrandizement or for purely selfish gain and glorification. That was the sin of Lucifer and Caligastia.

This great decision of Jesus portrays dramatically the truth that selfish satisfaction and sensuous gratification, alone and of themselves, are not able to confer happiness upon evolving human beings. There are higher values in mortal existence—intellectual mastery and spiritual achievement—which far transcend the necessary gratification of man’s purely physical appetites and urges. Man’s natural endowment of talent and ability should be chiefly devoted to the development and ennoblement of his higher powers of mind and spirit.

Jesus thus revealed to the creatures of his universe the technique of the new and better way, the higher moral values of living and the deeper spiritual satisfactions of evolutionary human existence on the worlds of space.

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 Post subject: Re: A Triggering Event

Joined: Sun Mar 25, 2012 5:29 am +0000
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fanofVan wrote:
Jim George wrote:
170:5.8 “But doubt not, this same kingdom of heaven which the Master taught exists within the heart of the believer, will yet be proclaimed to this Christian church, even as to all other religions, races, and nations on earth – even to every individual.”

This statement of expectation has always been a curiosity to me. If the kingdom will be proclaimed “even to every individual”, how can that happen unless it happens essentially in one generation, or maybe even in one moment? Let me explain. Our current world population in September 2021 is estimated to be 7.888 billion people. Our yearly births are about 139.82 million. That is almost 140 million new people who will have to be told of Jesus’ gospel each year. And further, nearly 60.1 million die each year, so we have to make sure they all were told before they go. Therefore, the population is continuing to increase at about 80 million people per year so that by 2023 we will reach 8 billion people worldwide.

But then there is this. The current average human life span worldwide is 73.2 years. This means that these 8 billion people only live on the planet for about 73.2 years at best with 60 plus million leaving this year and 140 million arriving. So, 73.2 years from now, i.e., by 2100, everybody who is currently on the planet will be replaced by new folks. All who currently know of Jesus and all those who don’t, will have left, presumably for Mansonia, according to the common thinking of many Urantians. So, how does the story migrate from one generation to the next, or isn’t that really our job?

Evangelization is how. Those of us who know will pass the story along. How we pass it along is one issue, how effectively we pass it along is another, how much of a deal we make of it as we pass it along is another altogether. You see, we only will ever have our one generation to tell as many as we can if we ever have any hope of telling the whole world. Every generation has the same obligation. Since the planet will be home to a whole new population of 8 billion, we collectively have 73.2 years to tell the 8 billion people who are here now.

Now, let’s look at how we are doing. If the population of the world is increasing annually by the number 137.82 million then it is imperative that we share the Gospel with that many just to maintain a steady state. We must also address how we are going to share the Gospel with the other 8 billion while we are taking care of the 138 or so million new residents. Ladies and gentlemen, the equivalent population of the entire city of New Orleans, LA is born on our planet every single day; that is 383 thousand new souls every day. The numbers are staggering.

Yet, according to the best guesses of the Urantia Foundation and others, we have not shared the Gospel as presented in the Urantia Book with even 5 million yet (I am being generous) and we have been at it for 66 years, since 1955. At this rate it may well take well over 1,578 generations just to tell the folks who are currently here on the planet much less the trillions of folks who arrive during that time. So, how many generations do you think it will take to expand the knowledge of the Gospel sufficiently so we can fulfill the statement in paper 170:5.8? The answer is 1,578 generations at 73.2 years each to tell 8 billion people, which is if we can tell 5 million per generation.

Or are we missing something here? 62,230,600,817,543 is the number of people who will have passed from birth to death on this planet during that time while we are trying to tell the current 8 billion. Funny how far from reality this is; from the idea of spreading it by “word of mouth”. I suggest our current way will not do the trick, don’t you agree?

Oh, I get it, it’s not our problem you say? And clearly you are correct; at least it isn’t one we are taking on seriously, nor could we if left to our own devises. So, when I suggest that the Revelation of the 5th Epoch isn’t complete, that there must be a new plan for a new revelation God has in mind (as is stated in 195:10), and suggest that some kind of “triggering event” as in a “New John the Baptist” (say now I wonder if anyone has thought of that) is on the horizon, I hear derision and scorn from Bradley and others. And I am merely immature in my outlook?

How dare we say, we are doing just fine? What a joke. “Feed my sheep”, Jesus said. He has 8 billion head of sheep on Urantia right now and humanity is spiritually starving to death. 73.2 years from now they will all be gone and 8 billion others will have taken their places . . . word of mouth, yeah right! Or, maybe we don’t really believe the papers after all.

I think it is about time we quit thinking we are capable of fulfilling the admonition of paper 170:5.8 on our own. I think it is time we got down off our pedestals of self-righteousness, of see how much of the Urantia Book we each know contests, and got down on our knees and yelled ‘uncle’. We need help. The world’s people need help.

It is time for a hatching of butterflies.


More proclamations and declarations which directly refute and contradict the UB but do promote Jim's predictions of an imminent visitation and dispensational triggering event.

Yikes. Oh dear. How very shrill. And dark. And impatient. And desperate. Hopeless really. What a state of affairs you declare here.

Speaking for others...again...and still. Who is "we" Jim? Who says it's not our problem? Who dares to say we are doing just fine? What is "our current way"? Who says so? Who thinks we are capable of fulfilling anything at all "on our own"? Who is it that is on a "pedestal of self-righteousness"? Who is engaged in a "see how much of the UB we each know contest"? Please learn to speak for yourself Jim.

Your low opinions about others are merely opinions after all... and false. You speak for no one else Jim... no one.

Still more disappointment Jim? You claim 8 billion souls are "spiritually starving to death". WOW!! Talk about self-righteous!! And judgmental!! So the world is damned?? There is no hope?? The Spirit of Truth has failed?? The plan of evolutionary progress and the Most Highs are failures as well??

The text in 170:5.8 does not say or mean that all peoples will know or hear the Jesusonian Gospel suddenly or at the same time and all at once Jim. Good grief. It declares the inevitable outcome of the progressive planetary evolutionary outcomes and destiny of every world which rises from the slime of cellular life to the trees and caves of human origin to the sublime enlightened mortal planetary state of light and life!!!

Your disappointment with the Urantia Foundation and Fellowship and Association is well documented here Jim. You find their work of 3 generations of servants, volunteers, donors, and servant leaders disappointing and a failure. You whine about it quite often and vociferously. Their list of accomplishments is far too lengthy to recite here but does include distribution of the Papers in over15 languages for free digital downloads and an organizational infrastructure for planetary dissemination of the Revelation and related inspirational works of art and literature and gatherings and study groups - all of which are active on every continent in a growing and vital community that spans languages and cultures and countries. These seed sowers have been an inspiration and example of bravery and effort with great success!!

Your post above is a preposterous distortion of the message of both the Jesusonian Gospel and the Urantia Book. But certainly does exemplify your own dark and dangerous perspective of reality. How sad and unfortunate. Only you proclaim that all people will suddenly and universally know the universal gospel proclaimed by Michael. Not at all what the UB says Jim. Not even close. The UB teaches that all people everywhere will eventually come to know and embrace that Good News and that the Brotherhood of all creation will reign and rule our world with a singular certainty and knowledge and perspective of universe reality by EVOLUTIONARY PROGRESS attained one soul and one generation at a time. It clearly teaches that planetary destiny is far, far, far into our future and that many epochs of evolutionary progress will occur between now and then.

That truth and fact is clearly described and outlined in its many stages of progressive and evolutionary development in the UB. What you do here is defy and contradict the glorious description of our shared destiny and the universal progression required of all and every evolutionary sphere in all time and space. Shame on you. And your impatience. And your disappointment. You sound as if you are unraveling Jim. Gripped by the petulant immaturity of impatience and disappointment.

But let not the students here or the believers anywhere buy into your personal angst and regrets and guilt and blame and demands of instant gratification and the abrogation of the demands of evolution for patience and forbearance and resolve and courage and faith and trust in the Most Highs and the certainties of destiny described by the Gospel of Jesus and the Revelation we share here together!!

"Impatience is a spirit poison."

74:8.14 (838.6) The “golden age” is a myth, but Eden was a fact, and the Garden civilization was actually overthrown. Adam and Eve carried on in the Garden for one hundred and seventeen years when, through the impatience of Eve and the errors of judgment of Adam, they presumed to turn aside from the ordained way, speedily bringing disaster upon themselves and ruinous retardation upon the developmental progression of all Urantia.

75:1.6 (840.2) Probably no Material Sons of Nebadon were ever faced with such a difficult and seemingly hopeless task as confronted Adam and Eve in the sorry plight of Urantia. But they would have sometime met with success had they been more farseeing and patient. Both of them, especially Eve, were altogether too impatient; they were not willing to settle down to the long, long endurance test. They wanted to see some immediate results, and they did, but the results thus secured proved most disastrous both to themselves and to their world.

"Evangelism and the Urantia Book": https://truthbook.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=5502


118:1.3 (1295.3) There is a direct relationship between maturity and the unit of time consciousness in any given intellect. The time unit may be a day, a year, or a longer period, but inevitably it is the criterion by which the conscious self evaluates the circumstances of life, and by which the conceiving intellect measures and evaluates the facts of temporal existence.

118:1.8 (1295.8) The time unit of immaturity concentrates meaning-value into the present moment in such a way as to divorce the present of its true relationship to the not-present—the past-future. The time unit of maturity is proportioned so to reveal the co-ordinate relationship of past-present-future that the self begins to gain insight into the wholeness of events, begins to view the landscape of time from the panoramic perspective of broadened horizons, begins perhaps to suspect the nonbeginning, nonending eternal continuum, the fragments of which are called time.

Another posted link failure...

https://forum.truthbook.com/viewtopic.p ... Evangelism

"Live loyally today—grow—and tomorrow will attend to itself. The quickest way for a tadpole to become a frog is to live loyally each moment as a tadpole."

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