the do we perceive God??
An important question and it's answer is given us in the UB. Even the answer is mysterious and complicated but our perception of God's presence within does not require any specific knowledge or belief or act to be factual, functional, effective, life changing, soul creating, salvation delivering, survival assuring, and wisdom bearing.... according to the Papers anyway.
Here's a link to a topic here on "Assurance" which is relevant here: we perceive God is at first an unconscious awareness of "otherness" - the very real presence of the Spirit within. This Divine Presence delivers a thirst and hunger and yearning response to its own presence which creates a feedback loop of cause and effect. We respond and our response triggers another sympathetic and synchronous response in response to the response.
Like a plant responds to sunlight, water, and fertilizer by growing and blooming and bringing forth flowers and fruit, we likewise need not be conscious of this functional relationship and reality to respond to and prosper by that relationship with God. It is this inherent and natural relationship of the connection between human and Deity that delivers the faith experience which gives birth to soul and delivers eternal salvation - the true religious experience of evolutionary progress in the Spirit.
101:0.3. Religion, the
conviction-faith of the personality, can always triumph over the superficially contradictory logic of despair born in the unbelieving material mind.
There really is a true and genuine inner voice, that "true light which lights every man who comes into the world." And this spirit leading is distinct from the ethical prompting of human conscience. The feeling of religious assurance is more than an emotional feeling. The assurance of religion transcends the reason of the mind, even the logic of philosophy.
Religion is faith, trust, and assurance.101:2.4 (1106.3) There are two basic reasons for believing in
a God who fosters human survival:101:2.5 (1106.4) 1. Human experience, personal assurance,
the somehow registered hope and trust initiated by the
indwelling Thought Adjuster.101:2.6 (1106.5) 2. The revelation of truth, whether by direct personal ministry of the Spirit of Truth, by the world bestowal of divine Sons, or through the revelations of the written word.
101:2.14. Your deepest nature — the divine Adjuster —
creates within you a hunger and thirst for righteousness, a certain craving for divine perfection. Religion is the
faith act of the recognition of this inner urge to divine attainment; and thus is brought about that soul trust and assurance of which you become conscious as the way of salvation, the technique of the survival of personality and all those values which you have come to look upon as being true and good.