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Science videos relating to The Urantia Book.
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Did Most Powerful Explosion Ever Seen Violate Einstein's Rel

Mon Sep 09, 2024 10:28 am +0000

Maybe a video of interest addressing the possibility of observing where at least some aspects of Special Relativity may be proven wrong...

Did Most Powerful Explosion Ever Seen Violate Einstein's Relativity?

The video also describes the history and meaning of the phrase "inertial frame of reference" which is being used in one of the more recent main topic channels in this forum.

Lorentz, who is mentioned in the video, provided the bulk of the mathematics and essential technical theory that led to the Special Theory of Relativity. However, he had a very different view of how to interpret both the mathematics and the experimental results. (That is not mentioned in the video).

I would be so bold to say that neither Lorentz nor Einstein really had any proper idea at all of why the mathematics does in some circumstances match experimental results. But that is a subject for a very in-depth study.
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