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Joined: Wed Sep 20, 2023 4:49 pm +0000
Posts: 1
Location: SW Washington state, USA
Greetings! My name is Jonathan Colby, but I'm often known as J. Z. Colby. I first read the Urantia Book in the mid-1970s (still have my 6th printing), and have been studying the Book and many secondary works since that time. I'm giving the Book another complete read right now, my 4th or 5th, and many papers have known me to return to them more often, especially 48, 81-92, 99-103, and 107-119.

OFFER 1: If anyone wishes to chat with an old Book reader, I'd be happy to correspond. If anyone needs scans of some of the early secondary works, I might have what you're looking for.

I am a mental health therapist (clinical psych), retired. I specialized with older children and young adults (7-20), and their families, and whenever appropriate I did therapy with a eye toward spiritual growth as well as the purely mental aspects. I no longer keep my licenses current so I should not (and will not) do anything for pay.

OFFER 2: I am willing to lend an "ear", give respectful feedback if requested (and I feel it would help), and otherwise correspond informally with any youth/parent/family. As I still do occasionally, I might be willing to do a more formal mentorship if one was desired and I thought the match was good between the youth, the parent(s), and myself. Everything would be absolutely confidential, of course.

I am the author of the NEBADOR young-adult sci-fi series. Recently most of my sales platforms (Amazon and others) changed their fee structures (because of inflation?), so that on my last statement I made 8 cents per book sale. They told me I should raise my prices, but I don't want to. I am comfortably retired, and I want my stories to be enjoyed and inspiring to as many people as possible. So I've decided it's time to go completely non-profit. The printed books, ebooks, and dramatic audiobooks will continue to be available for those who want them, but I am now preparing to release the 10 Nebador books, the 3 Lyceum books, and Ariel's Grove as special freely-sharable PDF files in order to give these stories to the world at no cost or profit. They are all young-adult stories infused with the values and flavor of (and occasionally paraphrased quotes from) the Urantia Book, but are not literally UB characters in strictly biblical or UB settings.

OFFER 3: I am posting the NEBADOR series at Free-eBooks.net for anyone to grab (please excuse the ad page they insert). Lyceum, the original basis for NEBADOR Book Seven: The Local Universe, Part 2, will also be added soon. Ariel's Grove will appear as soon as I get it proofed. I am open to posting them in other no-charge places that people tell me about, or sending them by email if none of the internet sites work for you.

My possible "Reserve Corps of Destiny" assignment is that I have been driven all my life to keep an eye on, and do my best to prepare for, the various threats to human civilization, with abrupt irreversible climate change probably topping the list. I have configured and supplied my retirement home and acreage to sustain life in as many situations as possible for a few people and animals. If needed, my home will be available to several couples and their children from my extended family, but also I have always felt that I should keep some places available for a few special persons whom I don't know now, but who come to my attention in some mysterious, unexpected manner.

OFFER 4: If there are any Book readers who are also concerned about the possible near-future threats to our civilization, I would be happy to correspond, compare notes, share ideas, and get to know each other for the purpose of being better prepared if our fears/premonitions come to pass and the universe, in some way, can make use of our services.

Even if none of my offers are useful to you, I wish all of you joyful living and ever-growing wisdom!

Jonathan Colby

My email address is my Truthbook user name at the email service that is a cheer of success or discovery. I do not have internet access at home, so please be patient with me. I will keep your email address, and anything else I ever learn about you, completely confidential.

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