When it comes to Urantia Book dissemination as folks here like to call it, my understanding is that you do not introduce it to people who do not ask first. We don't street preach, go door to door, invite people to Bible studies, invite them to go to church or hand out tracts. What UB believers do is introduce the UB to people who for whatever reason inquire what we believe and keep asking questions on spirituality. If somebody starts a dragged out dinner conversation about the nature of God for example, you might say; "This book might interest you"
So with that out of the way, let's talk about evangelism. I don't like it. I've heard the "Gospel", I'm not interested in getting baptized and do not appreciate repeat invitations. So is it ok to flash Big Blue and say "This is my Bible" as a method to make evangelists stop talking to you?
If somebody like Ray Comfort preaches to me (in public), a Jehovah's Witness or Mormon knocks on my door or a co-worker invites me to a Bible study, I'll say "I'll take a Bible study with you if you take a Urantia Book study with me" More likely than not they will not have heard of the book and are unwilling to take a sermon from ME. I will then point out that if they want me to be open minded, they need to be as well. And if they throw out the words "Satan" and "Hell", I say "Then so be it" This is my way to have people stop preaching to me.
If on the other hand, they declare that they have read the book cover to cover and STILL believe the Bible is the only truth, then I'll be pleasantly surprised and I'll see where the conversation takes me. I'd also however point out that I have read the Bible cover to cover and have my own objections to their "rule book".
I will forgive people for thinking my salvation is in danger and I would NEVER suggest somebody else's salvation is in danger.
A side story: I've successfully convinced my wife to do 2 UB study sessions (conditional to her continued preaching from the Bible to me). While she still prefers traditional Christianity, she says my path to knowing God is unique to hers and does not question my salvation.